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Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Power Station : Terms & Factors. Part-1

The main function of a power station is to generate power and deliver it to different types of consumers. It is not necessary to state that, this delivery system depends on consumers due to their demands and activities. This variation in supply system introduce some important terms and factors in power plant engineering.
  • Connected Load: Different consumers install or use different machinery/ equipment at his own premises. All this equipment are connected to power station. these are known as connected load. We can say, it is the sum of continuous rating of all equipment connected to supply/delivery system.
  • Maximum Demand: The load in a power station varies time to time as changing the demand of consumers. Thus the highest demand load on a power station for a given period of time known as maximum demand. But generally this load is less then the connected load because all consumers do not open or operate their equipment at the same time.
  • Demand Factor: It is the ratio of maximum demand on a power station to its connected load. 
    Hence, Demand factor = Maximum demand / Connected load
  • Average Load: The average of load (as per demand of consumers) occurring in the power station for a given period (day, month or year) is known as average load or average demand. In other word, the average of unit (kWh) generation for a given period (day, month or year) is known as average load. 
    Daily Average load = Units (kWh) generated in a day ÷ 24 hrs.
    Monthly Average load = Units (kWh) generated in a Month ÷ hrs. in a month.
    Annual Average load= Units (kWh) generated in a year ÷ hrs. in a year
(To be continued...)

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